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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Major (U1900)

Last update 20.10.2024 18:32:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Willoughby, Christopher480274ENG1888
2Pack, James438294ENG1868
3Ruthen, Stephen W411760ENG1868
4Nelson, Stuart343406858ENG1857
5Hartland, Andrew DENG1847
6Mcmahon, Paul408212ENG1839
7Gaffney, Samuel420859ENG1821
8Wheeler, James M463396ENG1818
9Irwin, JamesENG1810
10Bowers, Francis J438383ENG1791
11Briginshaw, James A343428126ENG1790
12Chan, Anthony343418775ENG1788
13Kenning, Paul H441538ENG1788
14Perkins, Chris343431950ENG1774
15Dean, Robert A422860ENG1771
16Kirkham, EdENG1768
17Newton, PeterENG1764
18Levy, Christopher A431320ENG1757
19Willoughby, Andrew P472310ENG1752
20Harman-Bishop, AdrianENG1750
21Nickals, Peter A433047ENG1749
22Heffer, Judith460800ENG1734
23Duke, Taylor343409636ENG1726
24Yelverton, BenENG1723
25Palmer, Vincent495956ENG1716
26Galletti, Armando852899ITA1700
27Jones, Graeme343409083ENG1693
28Bellano, Harry343430015ENG1633
29Qin, Charlie343432409ENG1612
30Wilde, Grace343401139ENG1590
31Flynn, Chris343409040ENG1589
32Richmond, Charles J343454747ENG1554