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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Open

Last update 20.10.2024 18:29:05, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1IMMakkar, Rajat36016810FRA2621
2IMMerry, Alan B418811ENG2456
3IMPert, Richard G404748ENG2446
4Kalavannan, Koby425753ENG2303
5CMBanerjee, Supratit2410079ENG2283
6Mihalik, Agoston719021HUN2256
7FMWalker, Martin G410969ENG2230
8Pert, Max P456845ENG2200
9Davison, Chris407801ENG2184
10Han, Qixiang496952ENG2168
11Waller, Dan451053ENG2145
12Anderson, John405353ENG2144
13Jermy, Jaden459496ENG2123
14Cole, James431818ENG2113
15Bonafont, Philip R409197ENG2107
16Elwin, Adrian G411450ENG2050
17Stembridge, Ed468622ENG2045
18Hughes, Roy412481ENG2033
19Hertog, Alexander488453ENG2023
20Lenton, Oliver J490237ENG2018
21Beneyto, GuillermoENG1990
22Scheffler, KonradENG1954
23Murphy, Kieran S414336ENG1945
24Ponting, Andrew416487ENG1942
25Collins, Jonathan L438456ENG1940
26Hall, Antony C424196ENG1930
27Dawson, Jeff R414948ENG1912
28Hall, David E423734ENG1909
29Moore, Steve N414913ENG1898
30Gibbons, Michael JENG1864
31Walton, Paul452548ENG1857
32Catabay, Rezin487686ENG1852
33Berkley, Stephen W486850ENG1790
34Deepak Ambattu, Rithvik2410060SCO1735