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10th Chiba Chess Festa in Kashiwa 

Senast uppdaterad20.10.2024 11:32:10, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Altansukh Janchiv1800
2Nagai Toshiyuki1743
3AIMPatil Rushad1719
4Ogasa Seiichi1658
5ACMRamkumar Aravindh1438 U15
6Yakushijin Ryo1418
7Vyom Walia1218 U15
8Murata Den1195 U10
9Wada Yusuke800NON3.4.5R bye
10Iihoshi Hibito400NON U10
11Ikeda Sena400NON U10
12Miyake Kentarou400NON
13Suzuki Kaito400NON U10