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I COPA LEAL - Magistral Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 00:57:12, Creator/Last Upload: LEF Wilbert Villanueva Castillo
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
3 | | CM | Galaviz Medina, Atlas Adomaytis | 5124751 | MEX | 2197 |
5 | | FM | Navarrete Mendez, Gonzalo Alberto | 5106850 | MEX | 2180 |
6 | | FM | Zacarias Rodriguez, Santiago | 5148367 | MEX | 2176 |
2 | | FM | Real Pereyra, Jeronimo | 5114004 | MEX | 2128 |
1 | | | De La O Lopez, Juan Andres | 5153794 | MEX | 2072 |
4 | | | Leal Escamilla, Daniel Zinedine | 5169810 | MEX | 1942 |