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24th Chhattisgarh State School Games Under 19 Boys Chess Tournament 2024 , Rajnandgaon

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.10.2024 13:19:04, Creator/Last Upload: CGSCA

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1Lokesh Pandey,33469598IND1573Bilaspur
2Yeejnansh Gupta,48703001IND1473Surguja
3Om Varma,IND1413Bilaspur
4Abhijeet Mishra,IND0Durg
5Adamya Sahu,IND0Raipur
6Anshuman dash,IND0Bilaspur
7Bhavesh Pandey,IND0Bastar
8Bhavya Jain,IND0Durg
9Chandrakant Patil,IND0Raipur
10Gyan Prakash patel,IND0Bastar
11Harsh Sahu,IND0Durg
12Ishak Pasha,IND0Bastar
13Janendra Chelak,IND0Raipur
14Javed Shah,IND0Bastar
15Lucky Faruki,IND0Raipur
16Om Dewangan,IND0Durg
17Prakash Bharte,IND0Bilaspur
18Prerak Sahu,IND0Raipur
19Rakesh Darshan,IND0Bilaspur
20Ruman Ahmad,IND0Surguja
21Sidharth Sahu,IND0surguja
22Suraj Dewangaon,IND0Surguja
23Vikkey Gupta,IND0Surguja
24Vipul Wasnikar,IND0Bastar
25Vishesh Dewangan,IND0Durg