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Mozarteum November Turnier

Posledná aktualizácia 26.11.2024 19:55:44, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Hallein

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Štartová listina

1Dalibaltayan, ArsenAUT0
2Gililov, MaximilianAUT0
3Huber, JosefAUT0
4Löffl, LeoAUT0
5Michel, Lara AmadaAUT0w
6Misciasci, AllessandroAUT0
7Plasser, LauraAUT0w
8Prouvost, AdrianAUT0
9Prouvost, AnthonyAUT0
10Prouvost, TimotheeAUT0
11Schröter, RobertAUT0
12Spaeth, NormanAUT0
13Villalva, AlessandroAUT0
14Wang, XinyuanAUT0
15Wimmer-Kang, KonstantinAUT0
16Ziemniak, ThomasAUT0