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tschaturanga Herbst-Cup 2024 Gruppe I

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.11.2024 22:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

4Hruza, Gerhard1635263AUT1636Sv Schmelz
7Hassfurther, Martin Mag.1645315AUT16321. Wbsc
2Leitgöb, Patrick1699679AUT1576
3Radike, Florian1698087AUT1518Sv Korneuburg
5Tentulin, Günter1693000AUT1419Sz Favoriten
6Grujic, Luka1685880AUT1389Sc Polyglott L.S.
8Unosson, Nathanael1688812AUT1340
1Eichhorn, Tilo533000115AUT0