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tschaturanga Herbst-Cup 2024 Gruppe I

Last update 13.11.2024 22:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

4Hruza, Gerhard1635263AUT1636Sv Schmelz
7Hassfurther, Martin Mag.1645315AUT16321. Wbsc
2Leitgöb, Patrick1699679AUT1576
3Radike, Florian1698087AUT1518Sv Korneuburg
5Tentulin, Günter1693000AUT1419Sz Favoriten
6Grujic, Luka1685880AUT1389Sc Polyglott L.S.
8Unosson, Nathanael1688812AUT1340
1Eichhorn, Tilo533000115AUT0