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tschaturanga Herbst-Cup 2024 Gruppe F

Last update 13.11.2024 22:51:23, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

6Kovazh, Frederik1698303AUT1797Schachklub Antau
5Feldhandler, Samuel1697730AUT1760Tschaturanga
4Grohs, Wolfgang1632167AUT1734Sv Schmelz
1Paseka, Christian1602748AUT1708Sk Austria Wien
7Gstoettner, Alois1693697AUT17071. Sk Ottakring
3Weindl, Gerhard Ing.1642952AUT1668Vhs Gaenserndorf
8Hedwig, Sangye1692488AUT1628Tschaturanga
2Kirn, Philipp Sebastian12910970GER0