Poradie po 4 kole(1 results missing)

Por.č.TMenoFEDEloKlubBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
18Hedwig, SangyeAUT1628Tschaturanga3,509,253
21Paseka, ChristianAUT1708Sk Austria Wien3,505,753
37Gstoettner, AloisAUT17071. Sk Ottakring3,504,753
46Kovazh, FrederikAUT1797Schachklub Antau2,501,752
55Feldhandler, SamuelAUT1760Tschaturanga1,501,751
63Weindl, Gerhard Ing.AUT1668Vhs Gaenserndorf0,501,250
72Kirn, Philipp SebastianGER0000,000
4Grohs, WolfgangAUT1734Sv Schmelz000,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)