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tschaturanga Herbst-Cup 2024 Gruppe E

Last update 13.11.2024 22:50:50, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

3Ruck, Helmut Mag.1616030AUT1802Sv Schmelz
2Jirovec, Peter1620002AUT1786Amateure
7Kravchuk, Anthony39912876USA1747
6Kaufmann, Robert Mag.1677098AUT1705
1Wellsow, Leander34698833GER1687
5Emsenhuber, Johannes1665561AUT1667
8Slutski, Alexander1697935AUT1665Jrcv
4Getreuer, Paul1681451AUT0Tu Wien