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Torneo Taller UAEM Septiembre 2024

Last update 01.10.2024 00:50:56, Creator/Last Upload: Isidoro Astudillo S

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Starting rank

1Alvarez, BryanMEX0
2Arizmendi, LeninMEX0
3Avila, EdwinMEX0
4Baldazo, VeronicaMEX0
5Brito, YiribethMEX0
6Del Rosario, FernandoMEX0
7Fernandez, Ana KarenMEX0
8Leyva, NoeMEX0
9Lopez, EduardoMEX0
10Mancilla, DilanMEX0
11Martinez, ArturoMEX0
12Martinez, FannyMEX0
13Sanchez, LuisMEX0
14Ramirez, JocelinMEX0
15Riquelme, SamanthaMEX0
16Parra, OswaldoMEX0
17Dominguez, RicardoMEX0
18Ortiz, OscarMEX0
19Quintero, AngelMEX0
20Sanchez, OswaldoMEX0