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Cedis festival saha 2024, peti kvalifikacioni turnir Վերջին արդիացում06.10.2024 19:07:20, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ |
1 | | FM | Pecurica, Milos | 944963 | MNE | 2315 | | |
2 | | FM | Kisic, Bozidar | 16500350 | MNE | 2192 | | |
3 | | FM | Djukanovic, Sreten | 920304 | MNE | 2106 | | S50 |
4 | | | Abramovic, Dragoljub | 918776 | MNE | 2027 | | S65 |
5 | | | Sijaric, Alvir | 16503546 | MNE | 1915 | | |
6 | | | Milovic, Ilija | 16504330 | MNE | 1885 | | U16 |
7 | | | Dedic, Slavko | 936731 | MNE | 1882 | | |
8 | | | Vujadinovic, Zeljko | 910449 | MNE | 1863 | | S50 |
9 | | | Vesovic, Nebojsa | 942340 | MNE | 1829 | | S50 |
10 | | | Mosurovic, Milena | 16505514 | MNE | 1816 | w | U18 |
11 | | AFM | Krsikapa, Milos | 16510232 | MNE | 1811 | | U18 |
12 | | | Lakusic, Zoran | 16502060 | MNE | 1752 | | S65 |
13 | | | Sorochenkov, Alexander | 55869661 | RUS | 1665 | | U10 |
14 | | | Sorochenkova, Margarita | 55869670 | RUS | 1599 | w | U14 |
15 | | | Djendjinovic, Danilo | 16509390 | MNE | 1556 | | U16 |
16 | | | Jovanovic, Luka | 16507991 | MNE | 1545 | | U14 |
17 | | | Janketic, Milos | 16510895 | MNE | 1522 | | |
18 | | | Markovic, Janko | 16510011 | MNE | 1488 | | U10 |
19 | | | Stanic, Stefan | 16508734 | MNE | 1478 | | U12 |
20 | | | Dorfman, Yelyzaveta | 16510780 | MNE | 1448 | w | U10 |