Ristitaulukko 18 kierroksen jälkeen(90 results missing)

Rk.NimiRtgFED123456789101112131415p. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Villarreal, Gonzalo / affablelawyer1200MEX***1 11 01 15057,00
2Escobedo valencia, Eliot / eliotescobedovalencia947MEX***½ 10 11 14,5046,75
3San Juan, Saul / Saulsan121115MEX***- -1 1+ +4042,00
4Sosa, Alberto / BetoSosaH600MEX***0 11 13137,00
5Bernal García, Jesús de Jeremías / Jjeremiaz900MEX1 0***1 13135,00
6Velez Rodriguez, Luis Alberto / Velez510884MEX0 0***1 01 13036,00
7Espinosa de la Cruz, Tamara / Pandora29091157MEX½ 0***1 12,5024,25
8Carrillo Cortez, Jose Hasmet /Jos_Hasmet1996940MEX0 00 1***1 02024,00
9HERRERA LOPEZ, Raul / rhlmx75906MEX- -***1 12020,00
Arnulfo, David / David117si0MEX0 0***1 12020,00
11Íñiguez García, Emmanuel / rararasputtin815MEX0 10 0***1015,00
12Martínez Pérez, Mario ALberto / Marucco71980MEX1 00 0***1014,50
13Ponce Tejeda, Gilberto / Poncetejedai516MEX0 00 00 1***1012,00
14Gomez, Alejandra / NidhoggVali0MEX0 0***0000,00
Fregoso, Felipe / FelipeFregoso1000MEX0 0- -0 0***0000,00

Vertailu 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Vertailu 2: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Vertailu 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable