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2nd Port Harcourt Weekend Blitz Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.09.2024 02:05:53, Creator/Last Upload: computerfineman

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1Obubele, KokoNGR2102
2Ikorogbudu, UgushidahNGR2079
3Nwala, EmmanuelNGR2012
4Ezeh, Pamella SouterNGR1992
5Onyekwere, MacdonaldNGR1966
6Akomaka, ApollosNGR1904
7Chikezie, DamasusNGR1893
8Nwachukwu, JohnNGR1884
9Ajanwachukwu, EuniceNGR1860
10Oyinvbi, Awhotu DanielNGR1849
11Ibibo, GiftNGR1843
12Akhagbeme, MatthewNGR1809
13Ochemba, UdonnaNGR1721
14Abdullahi, Hassan U10NGR0
15Alabo, KelseyNGR0
16Aremy, IbeNGR0
17David, RichNGR0
18Elaiho, JoeNGR0
19Godsword, Daniel U10NGR0
20Ipalibo, DanielNGR0
21Kelechukwu, IkechukwuNGR0
22Lelekumo, DimienNGR0
23Nwachukwu, IfeanyiNGR0
24Obaro, FrankNGR0
25Ochemba, SylviaNGR0
26Ochemba, UgonnaNGR0
27Okeke, BiancaNGR0
28Otty, IkennaNGR0