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Celelbrating chess at Olof Palme Primary School. Olof Palme chess club members engage in the battle to win their first ever chess competition at school.

Olof Palme Primary School Chess Battle

Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 13:37:00, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1Andreas, BlessingNAM0
2Anguku, SilasNAM0
3Epamba, JorgeNAM0
4Goseb, CliftonNAM0
5Hangula, ImmanuelNAM0
6Henghono, KainoNAM0
7Iyambo, AcktofelNAM0
8Jamukeni, ReginaNAM0
9Kambonde, RachelNAM0
10Kanjemba, ConstaciaNAM0
11Katindi, LeviNAM0
12Kunamwene, AntoinettNAM0
13Namhila, EliakimNAM0
14Nashilongo, SevelenNAM0
15Natanael, DayelaiNAM0
16Ndinoshisho, TaimiNAM0
17Pakondjelwa, EufrasiaNAM0
18Shileka, DavidNAM0
19Shivekwa, InanciaNAM0