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Ponedeljkov cug v Domnu - 25

Seinast dagført30.09.2024 21:41:00, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

6IIBrecevic, Liam14617510SLO2469ŠD Piran
2MMaslesa, Branko14600358SLO2206ŠK Val - Koper
10MSgaravatti, Francesco812820ITA2124ŠD Izola
1ISlejko, Vladimir14610388SLO1913ŠK Postojna
9IMilunovic, Vlado14608278SLO1849ŠD Piran
4IBogdanovski, Zoran14610876SLO1759ŠD Izola
8IIVrecek, Matej14606038SLO1651ŠD Izola
7Dabic, Sinisa14646994SLO1000brez kluba
5IIIForte, Janez14651483SLO1000ŠD Piran
3Norkin, Dmitri14673010SLO0Izola City