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Eivissa Ciutat Patrimoni: Grup Promeses

Last update 20.10.2024 15:40:36, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

Starting rank list of players

3Reina Sorribas, Naila54539307ESP1629IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels
1Gonzalez Segura, Marti523087307ESP1620Puig
5Sancho Mengual, Didac523030526ESP1598IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels
2Mari Montes, Xavier54732441ESP1596Puig
9Riera Lazaro, Jon523068906ESP1566IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels
6Cardona Galea, Alejandro54585805ESP1546IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels
4Clapes Parra, Ignasi94730199ESP1450Yebisha
8Mantilla Fonseca, Sophie Diane94790221ESP1415IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels
7Arranz Mazzardo, Thiago535000430ESP0IBZ64 - Vibra Hotels