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Players Reporting Time-6.00 PM
Round 1 Starts at 6.15 PM

10th ACA FIDE Rated Blitz Chess Tournament- 03-10-2024

Darrera actualització03.10.2024 18:37:11, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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Rànquing inicial

1ACMNirvaan, Ashish Modi33368929IND1681U15
2Ehan, Anjam531037895IND1576U10
3ACMSekar, Jeremiah Jairus325105010IND1566U15
4Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1504U15
5Rudra, Desai531000100IND1476U15
6Vaishnav, Sumesh33403511IND1472U15
7Gautham, Sudheer Kumar33478309IND1464U15
8Yashvi, Kaushal Shah33482047IND1453U15
9Emilia, Anoob48731501IND1443U15
10Jonah, K Aji48740276IND1428U15
11Sreeram, Senthilkumar531009794IND1423U15
12Arnav, Singh Dewan429018471IND1417U15
13Amirtavelu, Sankara Subramanian537002902IND0U15
14Anirudh, Varadhan Srinivasan88170535IND0U15
15Atharav, Jagtap429036666IND0U15
16Ayushi, Dash429020905IND0U15
17Jeff, George429088461IND0U08
18Mathew, Vinod531076734IND0U10
19Navaneeth, Krishna K P429088445IND0U15
20Shayaan, Rashid429018382IND0U15