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Karpovians 27th Blitz Chess Tournament Վերջին արդիացում29.09.2024 16:50:04, Creator/Last Upload: Karpov Chess Club - Karachi
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Raif, Jafri | 7818483 | PAK | 1784 |
2 | | Muhammad, Umair Zahid | 7834721 | PAK | 1745 |
3 | | Rouhan, Ahmed Khatri | 7818432 | PAK | 1744 |
4 | WCM | Zenobia, Wasif | 7800746 | PAK | 1699 |
5 | | Moiz, Qamar | 7819129 | PAK | 1695 |
6 | | Moutaz, Muhammad Anwer | 7819676 | PAK | 1616 |
7 | | Muhammad, Asim Khan | 7820470 | PAK | 1610 |
8 | | Ahmed, Majid | 7820828 | PAK | 1590 |
9 | WNM | Sehrish, | 7808640 | PAK | 1556 |
10 | | Noor, Nabi Khan | 7818521 | PAK | 1522 |
11 | | Abdur, Rahman | 7834683 | PAK | 0 |
12 | | Krishna Pinjani, | 7836716 | PAK | 0 |
13 | | Mudassir Ahmed, | 7829922 | PAK | 0 |
14 | | Muhammad, Ahmed | 7820240 | PAK | 0 |