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Last update 10.11.2024 20:15:44, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation

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Ranking crosstable after Round 4

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Nikolaou Loizos1393CYP 14w1 8w1 3b1 4b½ 5w3,50347,5
2Temenou Christos1375CYP 3w½ 4b½ 14w1 5b½ 6b2,50358
3Mbalambanidou Andrianna1400CYP 2b½ 11w1 1w0 9b1 4w2,5032,58,5
4Sokratous Giorgos1400CYP 11b½ 2w½ 7b1 1w½ 3b2,50329
5Simoni Gavriela1393CYP 7w½ 8b1 2w½ 1b2,50249
6Sokratous Antonis1378CYP 7b½ 9w½ 12b1 2w2,5023,57
7Makariou Efrem Niovi1400CYP 6w½ 5b½ 4w0 11b1 8w20328,5
8Mbalambanidou Pelagia1400CYP 12w1 1b0 5w0 14b1 7b20317,5
9Temenou Panayiota1408CYP 6b½ 3w0 11b1,50158
10Neofytou Christos1199CYP -0 12w1,5006
11Georgiou Mirto1300CYP 4w½ 3b0 12b½ 7w0 9w10328
12Simoni Giorgos1373CYP 8b0 14b½ 11w½ 6w0 10b10316
13Andreou Persefoni1408CYP -0 -0 -01004
14Georgiou Fotini1408CYP 1b0 12w½ 2b0 8w0 -00,50299

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)