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Liga Catur JMCC - RL Chess KU-17 Open

Վերջին արդիացում29.09.2024 09:37:48, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Steven Tan,INA2345
2Imanuel Martogi,INA2338
3Almagro, Hasian GultomINA2244
4Thoriq Fauzan Robbani,INA2142
5Evan, Hotasi SitorusINA2020
6Irene, RumirisINA2000
7Nicholas, Jonathan PambudiINA2000
8M., Panji Satrio WibowoINA1980
9Nyimas, Bunga Mausyach SuriINA1971
10Emily, Christy (Torney)INA1954
11Nicholas, Kenneth EdysonINA1937
12Gabriel, Boy Ambarita (Torney)INA1796