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Torneo Provincial Infantil por Edades 2024 de Santiago U12

Darrera actualització30.09.2024 16:54:23, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Leonardo Estévez

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Rànquing inicial

1Torres Rodriguez, Alejandro6433553DOM1790
2Santiago Ceballos, Christian6431534DOM1649
3Rodriguez Munoz, Omar De Jesus6435122DOM1627
4Santiago Ceballos, Starlyn6431542DOM1556
5Cabrera Rodriguez, Josue6434991DOM0
6Carrasco Ventura, Ian FranciscoDOM0
7Castro, Chris Anderson6435467DOM0
8Gil Gerez, Edwin Antonio6437672DOM0
9Gil Yan, Josue6437664DOM0
10Perrone Bueno, Amelia Maia6433502DOM0
11Villamil Gil, Juan Diego6437648DOM0