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Torneo Provincial Infantil por Edades 2024 de Santiago U14

Seinast dagført29.09.2024 16:24:07, Creator/Last Upload: Leonardo Estévez

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1Aquino Nunez, Isabella Marie6432999DOM0
2Aybar Rodriguez, Angelo6435009DOM0
3Estevez Peralta, Starlyn6437788DOM0
4Gomez Santelises, Enmanuel ArturoDOM0
5Guerra Nunez, MadisonDOM0
6Guzman Jimenez, Mateo GabrielDOM0
7Perez Quevedo, Samuel Isaac6437753DOM0
8Perrone Bueno, Isabella Marie6432956DOM0
9Rodriguez Lopez, Delvis Antonio6437770DOM0
10Rodriguez, Luis Jose6435017DOM0
11Urena Cabrera, Jesus Angel6437168DOM0
12Villamil Gil, Luis Felipe6435807DOM0
13Wu Wu, Alexander Tingfeng6436838DOM0