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Last update 30.09.2024 04:40:47, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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1Becerra Perez, Christian Emiliano29612730MEX1581Guanajuato
2Garcia, Canedo Ruben29612799MEX1574Guanajuato
3Vargas, Proa Jesus Emmanuel29649773MEX1573Guanajuato
4Garcia, Cortes Rocha Adrian523097477ESP1565Guanajuato
5Zambrano, Rey Sara Angelina5195489MEX1564Guanajuato
6Bagatella, Porras Cesar Juan Pablo29631980MEX1557Jalisco
7Hernandez, Rodriguez Gustavo Andre29664780MEX1551Guanajuato
8Marquez, Calzada Tadeo Jesus5157153MEX1542Ciudad de Mexico
9Plaza, Ramirez Andre29664861MEX1536Guanajuato
10Lopez Araiza, Ricardo AbrahamMEX0