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Encontros de Xadrez INATEL - Marinha Grande

Last update 13.10.2024 17:32:42, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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1BRAY, Daniel1914073POR2055Ccd Corvos Do Lis
2BOGDANOK, Ruslan1941860POR1828So Marinhense
3COELHO, José Pedro1955403POR1713So Marinhense
4OLIVEIRA, Ricardo1922220POR1680So Marinhense
5PEIXOTO, João Paulo1941356POR1670Ccd Corvos Do Lis
6DUARTE, Guilherme1943600POR1586So Marinhense
7CARVALHO, Mário1938185POR1585So Marinhense
8FERREIRA, Marco1967606POR1486So Marinhense
9TAVARES, Rodrigo1984217POR1446So Marinhense
10HEMACHANDRAN, ShaliniIND0So Marinhense