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Վերջին արդիացում28.09.2024 21:46:33, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Casal, Roses Alfredo3516784CUB2126
2FMIbanez, Milian Dagoberto3500675CUB2115
3Leonard, Torres Pedro3503615CUB2108
4Torres, Ymas Diego3531341CUB2106
5Mora, Diaz Nelson3513092CUB2101
6Morgado Machado, Clemente3523667CUB2016
7Rey, Rodriguez Yosvany3514749CUB2006
8Torres, Valdes Frank3507327CUB1962
9Hernandez, Ortega Javier Enrique3528413CUB1952
10Sanchez, Terrero Carlos Daniel3536947CUB1946
11Molina Suarez, Adrian De Jesus3511502CUB1886
12Gonzalez, Moya Hector3533573CUB1885
13Torres, Ymas Alejandra3531333CUB1859
14Vazquez, Delgado Jorge Enrique3538117CUB1846
15WFMReyes, Avila Susej3509176CUB1798
16Fernandez, Patino Hanoy3534642CUB1798
17Garcia, Tabasco Alberto3535355CUB1797
18Ramirez Diaz, Jose Luis3516075CUB1777
19Caballero, Fernandez Dachelis Maria3535878CUB1724
20Rodriguez, Leon Adam3536319CUB1711
21Pernas, Cejas Daziel3538109CUB1673
22Leonard, Izahin Adaina3531970CUB1618
23Palau, Tapia Derek3538664CUB1586
24Gutierrez, Marcillan Eros3536513CUB1560
25Cabrales Delgado, Karlos Manuel3531821CUB1506
26Basulto, Casanova Laura3535860CUB1410