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Robert Wheeler 2013 - Open Section

Last update 27.05.2013 21:17:48, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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Starting rank list

1CMDavy DamionJAM2162
2NMWilson BrandonJAM2072
3NMMellace AndrewJAM2061
4NMMyers PeterJAM1995
5NMWisdom DarenJAM1958
6Merritt KevinJAM1905rural
7Hinds NathanJAM1895rural
8Soares AndreJAM1878
9Williams WalterJAM1825rural
10Burford JeromeJAM1601rural
11Hall OdaneJAM1591
12Brown ScottJAM1578
13Issa EliasJAM1573
14McIntosh WayneJAM0bestnew