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Final Nacional de Tercera DivisiĆ³n 2024 Վերջին արդիացում30.09.2024 00:41:44, Creator/Last Upload: Gustavo
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Sandi Barrantes, Victoria | 6508880 | CRC | 1820 | Ccdr San Ramon |
2 | | Samper Porras, David | 6527728 | CRC | 1803 | Liberia |
3 | | Marenco Garcia, Christopher E. | 6550827 | CRC | 1797 | Codea |
4 | | Morales Zumbado, Raul | 6518303 | CRC | 1791 | Club Uvieta |
5 | | Hernandez Perez, Javier Francisco AFM | 63300028 | CRC | 1785 | Ccdr Escazu |
6 | | Miranda Flores, Samy Manuel | 6535852 | CRC | 1774 | Codea |
7 | | Rojas Ordonez, Christian Gabriel | 6560377 | CRC | 1632 | Heredia |
8 | | Hincapie Salazar, Daniel | 6564348 | CRC | 1600 | Asociacion Goicoechea |