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Darrera actualització29.09.2024 20:51:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: IA Pablyto Robert

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Rànquing inicial

1Santiago, Telmo MarinatoBRA1798PORTA DO SOL
2Junior, Paulo Misael da SilvaBRA1729PORTA DO SOL
3Bonelá, Ian CardosoBRA1700AVANCE IDC
4da Silva, André RodriguesBRA1653AVANCE IDC
5Castelan, Asaf BalbinoBRA1648PORTA DO SOL
6Baião, Daniel SantosBRA1633CEP PINHEIROS
7Gramelich, Ane Tereza CastellanBRA1619SÃO MATEUS
8Araujo, Pedro da CruzBRA1616AVANCE IDC
9Coutinho, Murilo PozzattiBRA1612PORTA DO SOL
10Galdino, Pillar LucasBRA1604PORTA DO SOL
11Junior, Fabio Oliver de CarvalhoBRA1590SÃO MATEUS
12Almeida, Agnes Maria Rodrigues de MiranBRA1581CEP PINHEIROS
13Carcabini, Sofia de AlmeidaBRA1528AVANCE IDC
14Alves, Henry Gabriel de CerqueiraBRA1474AVANCE IDC
15Barbosa, Emerson AlvesBRA0CEP PINHEIROS
16Coutinho, Murilo RodriguesBRA0CEP PINHEIROS