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III Torneo de Ajedrez Copa 2030LC SUB 8

Last update 28.09.2024 23:40:05, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank

1Abarca, LucasPAN0
2Azuaje, SergioPAN0
3Baran Yuce, AhmetPAN0
4Baran Yuce, AliPAN0
5Bonilla, Benjamin6631150PAN0
6Canton, SebastianPAN0
7Daza Gutierrez, Enoc AlvaroPAN0
8Diaz, SaraPAN0
9Duarte, BiancaPAN0
10Gamboa Espino, MaximilianoPAN0
11Garrido, JoedPAN0
12Genera, AgustinPAN0
13Gilkes Mendoza, Anna GabriellaPAN0
14Gonzalez Gonzalez, Sophia VictoriaPAN0
15Habib McKinnon, IbrahimPAN0
16Lucas, TomasPAN0
17Mahecha Torres, TalianaPAN0
18Manzane, DylanPAN0
19Marino Correa, LautaroPAN0
20Medina Munoz, Juan ManuelPAN0
21Morales Castillo, Hector David6627234PAN0
22Nunez Torrealba, Anabella6628532PAN0
23Phillips, Renee AlejandraPAN0
24Ramirez, Ana SofiaPAN0
25Rodriguez, Jose DavidPAN0
26Rojas Valeri, Paul AlejandroPAN0
27Saldana Pineda, Jorge AntonioPAN0
28Santamaria Dominici, Maritza IsabelPAN0
29Sicouret, DexterPAN0
30Tapia, OliverPAN0
31Torrealba, SebastianPAN0
32Valdes Martinez, WaididilyPAN0
33Villarreal Moreno, Maria CristinaPAN0
34Wan Hau, NathaliePAN0
35Carley, VictoriaPAN0