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III Torneo de Ajedrez Copa 2030LC SUB 6

Վերջին արդիացում28.09.2024 23:23:52, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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1Burillo Landau, Dante RamonPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
2Espino Centella, Sara ElisaPAN0Instituto Cultural
3Martinez Aguirre, Simon6628699PAN0Brain Master Gym
4Martinez Guevara, Josue RicardoPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
5Montufar Marquez, Abby RebeccaPAN0INSTITUTO PANAMERICANO
6Mosquera Montano, Ian MateoPAN0Brain Master Gym
7Oro, CalebPAN0Panamá Oeste Chess Club
8Rios, Alana Sofia6623735PAN0Brain Master Gym
9Roux, AlicePAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
10Santos, AntonellaPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
11Santos, LuccasPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
12Torrealba Nunez, GabrielaPAN0PROYECTO 64
13Mahecha Torres, Mateo6628524PAN0Brain Master Gym
14Cespedes, MatiasPAN0The Oxford School