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Red Knight Chess Club ♘♞♘♞♘ TCIS Chess Championship 2024 (U08)

Last update 29.09.2024 10:11:42, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Starting rank

1Tourteau, James1430Prem
2Ahmad Yusri, Alisha Q0SK Zainab 2
3Athpaibul, Peyton0Roong Aroon School
4Barral Gibergues, Gabriel0NIST
5Booncharoen, Totae0King's College
6Chawla, Junior0EIS
7Chirapanidchakul, Kin0NIST
8Euanontat, Alan0RIS
9Hutasuwan, Brook0Shrewsbury Riverside
10Imjai, NJ0Charter
11Khetawat, Viraj0Aster
12Kornkasem, Tintin0Bangkok Christian School
13Liu, Kaitlynn Tea0Bangkok Patana
14Liu, Luke0Bangkok Patana
15Mahadumrongkul, Luke0Bangkok Patana
16Manurat, Alex0Charter
17Martin, Tancrède0Garden
18Maungwong, Ongtong0Satit Chula
19Nakthip, Nakorn0ANKP
20Nie, Shengchenyang0Harrow
21Ongsri, Sunsun0King's College
22Panjawatanakul, Prompt0Anglo Singapore
23Phanthajarunithi, Pete0St. Andrews 71
24Puakpradit, Jirantin0Anubanchonburi
25Ratanaphithak, Smith0DBS
26Ruengjirachuporn, Almond0King's College
27Siridanupath, Eri0St. Andrews 71
28Sitthithanatthamrong, Thee0St. Gabriel
29Song, Lele0Bangkok Patana
30Srikhuekul, Louis0OSB
31Srikhuekul, Nicky0Bangkok Patana
32Srisuwittanon, Jaree0Satit Chula
33Suraswadi, Akin0St. Andrews 71
34Takeuchi, Ko0AISB
35Thamsatitdej, Matt0Roong Aroon School
36Tiwari, Dylan0RIS
37Tuntrairat, Newyear0Satit Chula
38Wang, Julie0Shrewsbury City Campus
39Wong, QP0AISB
40Wu Widell, Rion0NIST
41Yeap, Aden0ELC
42Yeap, Avan0ISB
43Zhang, Justin0SISB