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Red Knight Chess Club ♘♞♘♞♘ TCIS Chess Championship 2024 (U12)

Darrera actualització29.09.2024 10:16:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Riste Menkinoski

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Rànquing inicial

1Panjavongroj, Athit1471Thai-Singapore IS
2Chaijirakul, Xin Xin0Interkids
3Chawla, Chanesh0Satit Chula
4Hui, Chenhao0Brighton College
5Kalyanavongs Na Ayudhaya, Tin0Charter
6Leelayoova, Pip0Harrow
7Leung, Leah0Bangkok Patana
8Naenna, Paul0Shrewsbury Riverside
9Najai, Tong Tong0Bangkok Christian College
10Punyapayutjati, Winwin0TCIS
11Rodina, Ariana0Berda Claude
12Sarathulsingh, Saeng0St. Stephens
13Seo, Taeyang0Charter
14Terada, Rei0Bangkok Patana
15Wejakij, Prompt0TCIS
16Ye, Edison0Bangkok Patana