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Red Knight Chess Club ♘♞♘♞♘ TCIS Chess Championship 2024 (U14 & U18)

Posledná aktualizácia 29.09.2024 10:20:27, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Štartová listina

1Smirnov, Maksim M.1714U18Harrow
2Mishra, Arush1697U18Bangkok Prep
3Cuizon, Richily1596U18Bangkok Prep
4Vesaruchavit, Poon1576U18Ekamai School
5Siridanupath, Gavin1573U14St. Andrews 71
6Kittikongnapa, Bun1509U18Ekamai School
7Suwitchanpan, James1504U18Assumption College
8Chokthitirath, Pac1467U18TCIS
9Sirisinghol, Potter1437U14Heathfield
10Apichairojkul, Mac0U14Anglo Singapore
11Jullian Rose, Cuizon0U14Lumbia
12Phichetarpha, Pruk1551U18Triamudom
13Radu, Ivan0U18Rassvet
14Satinsky, Cody0U14King's College