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Primer Fecha Campeonato Nacional ADAES

Last update 25.10.2024 04:48:05, Creator/Last Upload: Oscar Angulo

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Starting rank list

1Hernandez Hernandez, George6508138CRC1757Adaes
2Gamboa Mora, Rolando6506135CRC1729Adaes
3Flores Guardado, Angel Antonio6549691CRC1708Adaes
4Telles Mongrio, Rigoberto6509835CRC1618Adaes
5Ramirez Ramirez, Wilson Gerardo6549705CRC1486Adaes
6Araya Araya, Erickson6535615CRC1468Adaes
7Mendez Dimarco, Steven Jose6519458CRC1464Adaes
8Mejia Mendez, Manuel6512895CRC1452Adaes
9Padilla Jimenez, Otto Alexander6558550CRC1437Adaes
10Solis Solano, Dennis6519466CRC1421Adaes
11Cubero Rivas, Jose Esteban6519431CRC1420Adaes
12Quesada Zuniga, Noe Antonio6558569CRC1400Adaes
13Quiros Chaves, Laurent Patricia6552137CRC1400Adaes
14Bolanos Ocampo, Sandra Maria6532144CRC0Adaes
15Jimenez Fajardo, HugoCRC0Adaes
16Montero Guzman, Emily6552110CRC1400Adaes
17Mora Rubi, LuisCRC0Adaes
18Perez Chacon, RodrigoCRC0Adaes
19Piedra Miranda, RosaCRC0Adaes
20Sanchez Perez, JazminCRC0Adaes
21Wright Samuels, JamesCRC0Adaes