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Domingo 20 de octubre, hora 10 - Costo $ 300
Inscripciones e informes: Cel 099 505 110 -

Torneos de Ajedrez Infantil y Juvenil - La Proa - Sub 14

Seinast dagført20.10.2024 19:40:50, Creator/Last Upload: AF Alfonso Figueroa

Search for player Leita


1Muniz, Facundo3012352URU16591514
2Indart, Lucio3017630URU16530
3Galli, Lisandro3012980URU16311451
4Martinez, Valentino3019187URU15181475
5Cammarota, Andres3019276URU14981372
6Almenarez, Agustina3028615URU00w
7Cuello, Alessandro0URU00
8De Bellis, Paulina3028755URU00w
9De Oliveira, Julian3028569URU00
10Fernandez, Clara0URU00w
11Galati, Enzo3028810URU00
12Gallardo, Mateo0URU00
13Garfinkel, Martin3029905URU00
14Giacomini, Luciano9002479URU00
15Lopez, Santiago3030300URU00
16Montauban, Emilia3019705URU00w
17Paredes, Julia3017486URU00w
18Servente, Edward0URU00