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Last update 28.09.2024 11:30:55, Creator/Last Upload: Jirapak Pitirotjirathon

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Starting rank

1Rodraksa, Traya1560
2Yarkin, Savely1526
3Tourteau, Victoria1499G10
4Liukasemsarn, Pakornnarong1477
5Huang, Miles Chayun1428
6Athpaibul, Sirintra0G10
7Bitoon, Chloe Cassandra0G10
8Cai, Akradej0
9Chaijirakul, Charn0
10Chalermtiwakorn, Nattakorn0
11Chitvarakorn, Chawapol0
12Chobpradit, Suphavit0
13Chuepaiwest, Naprin0
14Dutoit, Xander0
15Ebrahim, Caleb0
16Intharuk, Pinethadanon0
17Ittisattha, Siravich0
18Ittisattha, Tiravich0
19Kijkamjai, Arthicha0
20Kuakasemboon, Arisara0G10
21Lertsrijatuporn, Naparrada0G10
22Nilrod, Surittha0
23Nuntanart, Naphat0
24Ponthieux, Ethan Stephane0
25Raveekanchana, Raveeporn0G10
26Rochnattakul, Thanatphon0
27Rungrongthanin, Peak0
28Singhaphan, Nadthapong0
29Sirikulchayanon, Inpat0
30Sirikulchayanon, Pitan0
32Sitthithanatthamrong, Thapat0
33Tamonut, Pattadon0
34Theppadungporn, Supatch0
35Therdkiattikul, Tassakorn0
36Thongkate, Akarat0
37Tian, ZiAn0
38Wang, Mujin0G10
39Watanasakolpun, Weerawich0
40Woranaetipho, Rawin0
41Yodpijit, Vincent0