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Palatine 2024 super league

Posledná aktualizácia 06.10.2024 23:12:27, Creator/Last Upload: Al_Shyma

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1Antoniuk, Maksym 2USA0
2Bay, Janel 5USA0
3Guerrero, Gerardo 5USA0
4Mykhailenko, Roman 4USA0
5Mylymuk, Daniel 3USA0
6Pizyo, Matviy 2USA0
7Rajkumar, Sachit 3USA0
8Safiianyk, Yurii 3USA0
9Semkiv, Bohdan 2USA0
10Semkiv, Yurii 2USA0
11Shcherbyak, Stepan 5USA0
12Shutkov, Illia 2USA0
13Xavier, Mendoza 1USA0