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Semi Final de Ajedrez Primera Categoria Santiago de Cuba 2024

Last update 29.09.2024 01:58:25, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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Starting rank list

1Odio Camue, Ismael3529410CUB1972
2Tenst Fong, Cristian De Jesus3534855CUB1922
3Lopez Paneque, Alberto Arael3529401CUB1950
4Callejas Segura, Alexis Felipe3524752CUB1944
5Aroche Montoya, Reinaldo3533344CUB1946
6Ruiz Bisbe, Yamir3527026CUB1930
7Espinosa Castaneda, Ronald Manuel3535088CUB1918
8Valdez Diaz, Rene3532496CUB1918
9Pallerols Duran, Mario3528138CUB1903
10Rodriguez Ruiz, Jose Manuel3517438CUB1920
11Urdaneta Samuel, Alexey3533255CUB1872
12Matos Perez, Eugenio3537650CUB1867
13Reyes Perez, Rafael3522962CUB1876
14Torres Quesada, Reynaldo3533379CUB1866
15Nuviola Valentin, Osvaldo3537633CUB1856
16Ortega Falcon, Eliosmel3534880CUB1784
17Clark Bell, Rafael3532399CUB1817
18Colomar Puig, Arturo3530981CUB1757
19Garcia Torres, Yasdani3537625CUB1758
20Martinez Borrego, Marcos Antonio3530914CUB1746
21Diaz Campo, Ariadna Haynoa3530760CUB1692
22Vaillant Texidor, Sandro3538192CUB1694
23Ortega Vilier, Osmel3537641CUB1656
24Nieves Maza, Rosa Alis3534863CUB1703
25Fajardo Serrano, Leslie Marian3534707CUB1669
26Cabrera Toledano, Pablo3533360CUB1597
27Pozo Ruiz, Perla Maria3534715CUB1638
28Nunez Gonzalez, Raul Ernesto3536238CUB1646
29David Lobaina, GeoverCUB0
30Gomez Hechavarria, AlexisCUB0
31Leyte Vidal Fernandez, AlejandroCUB0
32Quintana Alvarez, GilbertoCUB0