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Saturday Nov 2nd: 9am, 11am, 1.30pm
Sunday Nov 3rd: 9am, 11am, 1pm

For enquiries, please call +6580533828

ChessLab November Classical Standard 2024

Senast uppdaterad19.12.2024 16:00:29, Creator/Last Upload: Lim Boon-Seng Christopher

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1Rice, Leah5824605SGP1925
2Rice, Lana5831466SGP1468
3Balaji, Shyam5856361SGP0
4Chow, Peter5841984SGP0
5Chow, Philip5845041SGP0
6Lin, Kaijie Caleb5861586SGP0
7Lum, Liam5864666SGP0
8Lum, Linus5864674SGP0
9Mahesh, Dhruv5847060SGP0
10Rohit, Rishi5861543SGP0
11Sen, Isabella Anjali5868084SGP0
12Yap, Chee Khean5856230SGP0
13Yap, Xinyi Andrea5858925SGP0