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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
7To IRT Centro Comercial AV. Chile Torneo de Clubes empresas, colegios y univers اخر تحديث04.10.2024 02:04:41, منشئ/آخر رفع: FECODAZ
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | Pinzon, Jairo David | 4404386 | COL | 2208 | Deporte Mental |
2 | FM | Vargas Benavides, Mauricio | 4404572 | COL | 2120 | Vialab |
3 | | Chaux, Oscar Orlando | 4422791 | COL | 2100 | Escaques |
4 | | Garcia Mendez, Engels Vladimir | 4409566 | COL | 2074 | Vialab |
5 | | Castro Lombana, Juan Pablo | 144402147 | COL | 2066 | Kallpa |
6 | FM | Valle, Efrain | 4401387 | COL | 2032 | Deporte Mental |
7 | FM | Dominguez Rincon, Miller Duvan | 4406583 | COL | 2013 | Kallpa |
8 | | Estrada Velandia, Henry Andres | 4468961 | COL | 2004 | Excalibur |
9 | | Romero S, Juan Sebastian | 4432738 | COL | 1980 | El Tablazo |
10 | | Duque Pinzon, Manuel Santiago | 4435150 | COL | 1973 | Excalibur |
11 | WIM | Chaucanes, Lina Marcela | 4402626 | COL | 1951 | Vialab |
12 | | Barrios Lujan, Hernando | 4411153 | COL | 1939 | Independiente |
13 | | Molina, Rafael | 4401441 | COL | 1916 | Independiente |
14 | | Rodriguez Munoz, Cesar Esteban | 4462211 | COL | 1916 | Alphazero |
15 | | Aldana, Omar | 4411307 | COL | 1900 | Independiente |
16 | | Rua, Nora | 4401930 | COL | 1895 | Deporte Mental |
17 | | Ramirez Beltran, Francisco Javier | 4421191 | COL | 1887 | El Enroque |
18 | | Tinoco, Stalin Seixas | 4435915 | COL | 1880 | Excalibur |
19 | | Ramirez Perez, Jose Alexis | 4443977 | COL | 1867 | Independiente |
20 | | Casas Ospina, Favio | 4440250 | COL | 1861 | Kallpa |
21 | | Acuna Romero, Vladimir | 4459342 | COL | 1855 | Vialab |
22 | | Salcedo Carrillo, Camilo Steven | 4468899 | COL | 1850 | Ludika |
23 | | Montanez, Alvaro | 4426789 | COL | 1841 | Independiente |
24 | | Castillo, Samir | 22797530 | BRA | 1817 | Galacticos |
25 | | Agudelo Lopez, Yefersson | 144413807 | COL | 1813 | El Octavo Peon |
26 | | Ojeda Castillo, Juan Esteban | 144433565 | COL | 1806 | Acadamia Ficm |
27 | | Getiva, Henry | 4449762 | COL | 1780 | Independiente |
28 | | Soto Leguizamon, David Esteban | 144425040 | COL | 1778 | Mentes Brilantes |
29 | | Intencipa Acosta, Fabian Armando | 4480937 | COL | 1769 | Universidad Pedagógica Nacional |
30 | | Reyes Aristizabal, Andres | 4441354 | COL | 1763 | Pitagores Sporting Club |
31 | WCM | Pena Nieto, Ana Marcela | 4406362 | COL | 1758 | Vialab |
32 | | Yepes Bedoya, Ernesto | 144428308 | COL | 1747 | Excalibur |
33 | | Vega Rosas, Brayan Rafael | 144407300 | COL | 1744 | La Guajira |
34 | | Rodriguez, Yesid Alfredo | 144439660 | COL | 1734 | Independiente |
35 | | Montes Pena, Sebastian | 144426240 | COL | 1725 | Academia Ficm |
36 | | Montilla Rodriguez, Camilo | 144424590 | COL | 1722 | Kallpa |
37 | | Sierra Marquez, Danny Javier | 144403968 | COL | 1720 | Independiente |
38 | | Garvin Mejia, Ricardo Luis | 4401379 | COL | 1702 | Vialab |
39 | | Roldan, Rolando | 4499867 | COL | 1696 | Deporte Mental |
40 | | Cortes, Emanuel | 175854 | ARG | 1684 | Universidad El Bosque |
41 | | Fraile Vargas, Michael Steven | 144406258 | COL | 1684 | Deporte Mental |
42 | | Acosta Neira, Jaime | 4431820 | COL | 1678 | Alpha Zero |
43 | | Rey Barroso, Pablo | 144437188 | COL | 1673 | Deporte Mental |
44 | | Velasco Vasquez, Matheo | 144441142 | COL | 1658 | Hendumo |
45 | | Rodriguez Zambrano, Jheisson Andres | 4473000 | COL | 1643 | Excalibur |
46 | | Sedano Acero, Juan Sebastian | 4466403 | COL | 1636 | Independiente |
47 | | Mejia Rosas, Dario | 144441061 | COL | 1633 | Alpha Zero |
48 | | Urbina Obando, Francisco Antonio | 144437544 | COL | 1605 | Excalibur |
49 | | Valek, Willy | 144424647 | COL | 1599 | Independiente |
50 | | Arciniegas Guerrero, Camilo | 144440731 | COL | 1598 | Independiente |
51 | | Duran Garzon, Juan David | 144439598 | COL | 1596 | Ajedrez Sabroso |
52 | | Pena Pinzon, Nicolas David | 144441606 | COL | 1592 | Kallpa |
53 | | Munoz Gutierrez, Juan Andres | 4498925 | COL | 1575 | Deporte Mental |
54 | | Borbon Torres, Daniel Alejandro | 144425155 | COL | 1572 | Independiente |
55 | | Cortes, Oscar Javier | 4436377 | COL | 1561 | Deporte Mental |
56 | | Puentes, Jhon Fredy | 144434740 | COL | 1559 | Las Colinas |
57 | | Torres Millan, Kevin Gilberto | 144426283 | COL | 1554 | Kallpa |
58 | | Cortes Roman, Santiago | 144406223 | COL | 1542 | Kallpa |
59 | | Brinez Bernal, Juan Fernando | 144423047 | COL | 1535 | Tolima |
60 | | Tarazona Villamizar, Jose Rafael | 144437269 | COL | 1531 | Peon Dama |
61 | | Marino Bohorquez, Jeisson Andres | 144434731 | COL | 1502 | Mentes Brillantes |
62 | | Melo Jimenez, Juan Manuel | 144433549 | COL | 1466 | Deporte Mental |
63 | | Lerma Munoz, Luis Alberto | 144421460 | COL | 1463 | Kallpa |
64 | | Patino Blandon, Efrain | 144441096 | COL | 1433 | Excalibur |
65 | | Rey Barroso, Jorge Alberto | 144437170 | COL | 1421 | Deporte Mental |
66 | | Agudelo Martinez, Cristian Raul | 144421443 | COL | 0 | Kallpa |
67 | | Aroca Fuentes, Dario | 144406320 | COL | 0 | Excalibur |
68 | | Barrios Gonzalez, Federico | 144445466 | COL | 0 | Fundacion Pensar Mejor |
69 | | Barrios Gonzalez, Tomas | 144445385 | COL | 0 | Fundacion Pensar Mejor |
70 | | Borbon Torres, Julian Alfredo | 144444575 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
71 | | Conde Mejia, Brehiner Hank | 4498860 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
72 | | Davila Alarcon, Juan Camilo | 144446519 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
73 | | Dimate, Juan Miguel | 144446527 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
74 | | Elizaldes Rocha, Eduar Andres | 4433459 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
75 | | Franco Diaz, Dilan | 144446535 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
76 | | Garay Pinzon, Daniel | 144445881 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
77 | | Gomez Delgado, Danna Valentina | 144446543 | COL | 0 | Academia Ficm |
78 | | Guiza Vargas, Angel David | 144446551 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
79 | | Jimenez Zapata, Juan Jose | 144446560 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
80 | | Marino Sanchez, Joao | 144434758 | COL | 0 | Mentes Brillantes |
81 | | Mendez Gomez, Robert Antonio | 3986691 | VEN | 0 | Independiente |
82 | | Millan Solarte, Samuel David | 144446578 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
83 | | Munoz, Andres Mauricio | 4498909 | COL | 0 | Deporte Mental |
84 | | Palacios Cardenas, Edwar Jair | 144446586 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
85 | | Polania, Jaime | 144446594 | COL | 0 | Legion |
86 | | Ramirez Mejia, Jose Gregorio | 144437455 | COL | 0 | El Tablazo |
87 | | Rios, Juver | 4469143 | COL | 0 | Independiente |
88 | | Rubiano, Manuel Andres | 144444583 | COL | 0 | Mar Arquitectura |
89 | | Soto Gomez, Edgar Antonio | 144441126 | COL | 0 | Mentes Brillantes |