Tournoi Hiver 23/24 Standard Rowad Temara

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ListeElenco giocatori per sorteggio, Elenco giocatori in ordine alfabetico, Statistica per Paese-, Incontro- e Titolo, calendario partite
Tabellone dopo 1 turni, Tabellone per numero sorteggio
Accoppiamenti giocatoriTur.1, Tur.2/9 , non sorteggiato
Classifica perTur.1
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Tabellone dopo 1 turni

PosNomeElopaese*.Tur*.TurPts. Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1Ouahib Taha1655MAR 17b+ 6b1010
2Fadli Oussama1888MAR 14b1 4w1000
El Baroudi Abderrahmane1732MAR 15b1 5w1000
Ghilani Aziz0MAR 11b1 2b1000
Naji Mohammed0MAR 12w1 3b1000
Rahal Mohamed0MAR 13b1 1w1000
7Taj Mourad1907MAR 9w½ 10b0,500,50
Laghmari Aziz1692MAR 10w½ 9b0,500,50
El Kasri Abdelkarim0MAR 7b½ 8w0,500,50
Hraich Mohammed0MAR 8b½ 7w0,500,50
11Azbane Hamid1772MAR 4w0 17b0010
Bendidouh Taoufiq0MAR 5b0 15w0010
Bouaddi Youssef0MAR 6w0 18b0010
Elhaddad Oussama0MAR 2w0 16b0010
Habibi Akka Jamal0MAR 3w0 12b0010
16Ahris Badr0MAR 18w- 14w0000
Mounim Ben Ahmed0MAR 1w- 11w0000
Moutia Wassim0MAR 16b- 13w0000

Cls1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Cls2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Cls3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Median1)