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Herris Chibale Rapid Tournament - Women Section

Posledná aktualizácia 29.09.2024 14:19:33, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1WCMBwalya Mulwale, Lubuuto8706964ZAM1823
2WFMMbatha, Constance8700591ZAM1768
3Kabamba, Mulwale Bwalya8706077ZAM1711
4Mututubanya, Portiah8704120ZAM1699
5Chitula, Agatha8714630ZAM1579
6Mary, Mashane8704317ZAM1537
7Kawesha, Innocentia8710589ZAM1533
8Bwalya, DianaZAM0
9Chibale, Beverly8730474ZAM0
10Longwe, Nthanda8728887ZAM0
11Mutale, Mumba Janelle8729964ZAM0
12Mwale, Naomi8703299ZAM0
13Namwai, Alinuswe V8726213ZAM0
14Phiri, Ruth RachealZAM0
15Tanaka, Dziyanyi11016191ZIM0