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2nd Seongbuk Park's Cup

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.10.2024 09:26:41, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1JUNG, Inje34117226KOR1807
2LEE, Eoram13214535KOR1767
3EOM, Huisang13207580KOR1732
4JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1723
5LEE, Donghyun C13220632KOR1712
6LEE, Yunseo382105420KOR1668
7MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan366109475KOR1636
8KIM, Junesun31001661GUM1625
9SONG, Jihu13219057KOR1530
10YOUN, Jungmin13223593KOR1458
11JANG, Seungwoo13218875KOR1445
12BAEK, Juwhan13222520KOR0
13Lee, Chanhee B13228960KOR0
14NAM, Yoonwoo13228420KOR0