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Pattaya Sriracha Open Chess Championship 2024 ( Amateur )

Senast uppdaterad18.10.2024 06:21:36, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

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1Nielsen, Karsten Eivind1464264DEN1910
2Paillard, Maximilien677477FRA1890
3AIMGutsulyak, Nikolay34291903RUS1887
4Tun, Naung13004131MYA1846
5Yusof, Kamaluddin5701171MAS1837
6Sajjapornthep, Jarunpol6202101THA1831
7Martinez Perez, Alex R.3108570PUR1594
8Aw, Kai Le Andrew5822912SGP1587
9Ishchenko-Giller, Matvii34163115UKR1519
10Puntuyakorn, Nachapol6216706THA1510
11Vasanthakumar, N46617167IND1457
12Jitwichian, Nichanart6211801THA0
13Sajjapornthep, Jarana6215262THA0