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Tecate BC en el marco del XLVI Aniversario de FundaciĆ³n del CETis 25 UniversidadՎերջին արդիացում29.09.2024 16:24:06, Creator/Last Upload: AO Pedro Esparza
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Խ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Segovia Sarmiento Alejandro | 29637090 | MEX | 1770 | Ensenada | Club de Ajedrez Fianchetto |
2 | | | Cortez Hernandez Lennin Baku | 5167604 | MEX | 1682 | Tecate | Club de Ajedrez Cortez |
3 | | | Cruz Leyva Evelyn Victoria | | MEX | 1672 | Tecate | CETis 25 |
4 | | | Reyes Olivares Francisco Javier | | MEX | 1640 | Tijuana | CBTis 237 |
5 | | | Gonzalez Lopez Alan Sabino | | MEX | 1625 | Tijuana | CBTis 237 |
6 | | | Valdez Favela Eduardo | | MEX | 1400 | Tecate | UABC |
7 | | | Valenzuela Lara Diego Alejandro | | MEX | 1400 | Tecate | Club de Ajedrez Cortez |