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Champion: $900
Top 3: Medal & Certificate

Start at 7pm (Registration for round 1 pairing 6:55pm)

KCA Tournament 2024 Blitz S5 (FIDE Rated) Oct 11th

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.10.2024 15:05:55, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

8FMLam, Daniel King Wai6001238HKG1993
4Wu, Matthew6011870HKG1787
1FMHo, In Hei Henry6002552HKG1779
9Londono, Diego4457811COL1717
7Leung, Yui6016456HKG1673
10Lau, Chung Kiu6013201HKG1584
6Man, Chun Hin6015077HKG1495
11Chen, Ding Jie Leonardo6017290HKG1484
3Yueh, Hoi Fung6008240HKG1408
2Kong, Shun Heng Nathan6010113HKG0
5Shi, Chunxi8659354CHN0
12Wong, Sze Hon6017681HKG0