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The 17th LSH

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony29.09.2024 13:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1LEE, Dongseob13204130KOR1852
2SUNG, Jaehyun2656426CAN1799
3PARK, Sihoo13220578KOR1790
4KOO, Ryan Gyeong Mo4317149NZL1783
5KIM, Kunhoo Alexander13209000KOR1778
6JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1742
7CHOI, Hyunbin13211382KOR1731
8MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan366109475KOR1716
9HAN, Yongsu13225308KOR1650
10KIM, Kwansoo13219529KOR1646
11LEE, Donghyun C13220632KOR1640
12KWON, Jihoo13225430KOR1638
13KIM, Junhwan13211447KOR1612
14GIM, Hajin13217267KOR1572
15KIM, Taei A13227432KOR1570
16LEE, Yule13220390KOR1531
17OCK, Seungheon13220861KOR1529
18KIM, Junesun31001661GUM1523
19AHN, Junmin13224018KOR1515
20HUR, Jiyu13227475KOR1491
21JANG, Seungwoo13218875KOR1471
22JOI, Woojoo13219782KOR1470
23CHO, Minjae13221884KOR0
24CHUNG, Yeseo13223178KOR0
25JEON, Sangmok13213792KOR0
26KIM, Dohyun D13222821KOR0
27KIM, Jihun13227467KOR0
28LEE, Jisung13220454KOR0
29LEE, Sion13222848KOR0
30LEE, Onbin13208586KOR1681