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1st SICCE Chess Championship Blitz Open

Last update 12.10.2024 14:40:24, Creator/Last Upload: YONG SOON

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Starting rank

1FMVillanueva, Nelson5204127PHI2258
2FMGrandadam, Nicolas681806SUI2238
3FMWong, Yinn Long5707684MAS2224IPT
4FMChan, Kim Yew5717981MAS2193
5Shahar, Uzair5783810MAS2047U18
6CMLooi, Xin Hao5702828MAS2040
7Mirano, Jan Francis5213525PHI1984
8Badarudin, Muhammad Ahsanuddien10500235BRU1963IPT
9Green, Michael437514ENG1926
10Belgasmi, Najib5505305TUN1918
11Keok, Kai En5703085MAS1912
12Wan Abd Rahim, Wan Mohd Azmie5715857MAS1870
13WCMNithyalakshmi, Sivanesan5706955MAS1864IPT
14Wee, Yin Lin35823097MAS1844U18
15Chan, Kok Leong5727570MAS1843Veteran
16Razman, Muhd Asyraf5723078MAS1812
17Zainuddin, Azizul Azlan5714079MAS1801
18Chong, Bok Siang5726891MAS1768IPT
19Maarof, Muhd Mirza5792380MAS1763
20Kumaresan, Nhavin5721342MAS1759IPT
21Shiva Shanmugam, Tharvin35816147MAS1756U18
22Muhd Said, Mustafa5731801MAS1755Veteran
23Ng, Shu Heng35827300MAS1747U18
24Lekshmikanth, Harikrishnan5754313MAS1741IPT
25Nagaraj, Jeevvanraj5713528MAS1708IPT
26Chong, Bok Siong5726905MAS1701IPT
27Mohd Jazry, Shahirul Azrin5734185MAS1681
28Koong, Chun Hong35839198MAS1664IPT
29Wong, Kin Teck35834439MAS1655
30Lee, Yib Yi5718775MAS1624IPT
31Madhavan, Nandha Kumar35823666MAS1613
32Zakaria, Nur Izzuddin5788803MAS1599IPT
33Yap, Ehin Dallas5714745MAS1581IPT
34Leong, Khai Shen35850868MAS1578U12
35Azlan Kameel, Haleef Akhtar35867043MAS1565IPT
36Mohd Bacho, Muhd Afiq Danial35847042MAS1503IPT
37Ng, Hock Min35852143MAS1498Veteran
38Zulkifli, Zulhasrizal35822724MAS1435
39ACMMohd Ibrahim, Muhd Idris5750954MAS1417OKU
40Brieuc Leysour De Rohello,MAS0
41Chia Hong Jun,MAS0
42Donald Lee Park Yu,MAS0
43Koh, Joon Yi5703603MAS0
44Marc Aiden Fernandez,MAS0U12
45Mohan, Hariharaann35836407MAS0IPT
46Nik Muhammad Haziq Bin Nik Mohd ,MAS0IPT
47Ooi, Hann Wei Alex35806486MAS0U12
48Peh Kok Guan,MAS0Veteran
49Tengku Huffaz Harith,MAS0U12
50Vincent Lee Park Seng,MAS0U12
51Wilfred Martin, Aaron Ryan35864974MAS0U18
52Yo Yi Xuan,MAS0U12